
Engineering for a sustainable future

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A journey through the projects, technologies and engineering solutions of a company that is moving towards a major goal: shaping a sustainable future.

Ingenuity: il Podcast

“Ingenuity” is Saipem’s first podcast, a four-episode journey to discover the technologies and engineering solutions of a company that is moving towards a major goal: shaping a sustainable future.What drives the creation of plant facilities that produce energy, robots that move underwater or infrastructures serving new ideas in mobility?The connecting thread is ingenuity. This is the power that fuels Saipem, a company of Italian excellence that, since its foundation in the 1950s, has been recognized throughout the world for the engineering and construction of major projects in the energy and infrastructure sectors. Ingenuity is also the fuel that drives Saipem professionals, an energy that Primo Levi captured in writing about his experience in 1980 aboard Castoro Six, Saipem’s pipe-laying vessel.
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Ingenuity is a podcast by Chora Media produced in collaboration with Saipem.
Written by Alessandra Menozzi.
Translated and narrated by me, Michael Loos.
Editorial curation by Graziano Nani.
Sound and music supervision by Luca Micheli.
Post production and editing by Aurora Ricci.
The project manager is Anna Nenna.
The producer is Alex Peverengo.
The post production coordinator is Matteo Scelsa.
The studio sound engineers are Luca Possi and Lucrezia Marcelli.

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