K2 – Like going to the Moon is a Chora Media podcast, created in partnership with Moncler.
It is written by Leonardo Bizzaro, Roberto Mantovani, Vinicio Stefanello, Luca Calzolari.
The voice is by John Vincent.
Editorial care is by Marco Villa, with the support of Sara Poma.
Translation is by John Vincent.
Sound and music supervision is by Luca Micheli.
Post production and editing is by Cosma Castellucci.
Recordings by Luca Calzolari and Aurora Ricci.
Sound engineer is Luca Poss.
The project manager is Silvia Arcidiacono Mutti.
The Producer is Alex Peverengo.
Post-production coordination is by Matteo Scelsa.
Editorial support, Valeria Luzi.
Be Content S.r.l.
Sede Legale
Largo Augusto, 3
20122, Milano
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20155 Milano
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